Village Hall Consultation Land at Church Road
Earlier this summer Wilson Designer Homes (WDH) carried out their consultation on the potential layouts for the development of the Steep in Need land. Following this, the Parish Council’s Church Road Working Group was temporarily suspended to allow a clearer focus on the Village Hall and its land. A small group of trustees and residents is helping the SWMVC trustees set up and run two consultations in the Village Hall, on Saturday 3 September between 13.30 and 16.30 and Tuesday 6 September between 18.30 and 21.00. These are important opportunities for residents to comment on the Trustees’ ideas for the future of the site and the building.
The proposals for consultation include layouts which maximise the Village Hall’s open space when put together with the SIN site next door and improve access between the Hall and this open space. There will also be a layout showing how the site would look with no change to the Hall land, whilst the SIN development goes ahead.
The trustees are also at the early stages of thinking about how to improve the Hall’s flexibility and attractiveness as a venue. Illustrations will be on show to see if residents react positively and support developing the ideas further.
Watch the Village Hall website ( and the Parish Council’s Church Road site ( for more information and how to comment further. This phase of the consultation about the Hall will last until September 16th.
We understand that Wilson Designer Homes will be running their second consultation event (looking in more detail at the appearance the development) on September 29th.