Autumn Quiz
Steep VIllage Hall
Steeo Village HallSteep Village Hall, 28 Church Road, Steep, Petersfield, GU32 2DN
Friends of Steep Village Hall Autumn Quiz
Details to follow, but save the date. Wanted – 9 Teams of 8 (if you can’t find 6 others we’ll match you up) for the first of our regular (approx 1/4ly) Quiz Nights.
The evening will include 6 regular rounds of questions, (which we hope will come from the question master of TV’s “Only Connect”), which will include questions on “Steep” and some with a “Spring” flavour, with a Joker to be played on one round. Additionally, there will be a background quiz for extra points.
Tickets will include Food, (likely to be Curry (inc a veg/vegan option) and there will be a cash bar, able to take contactless cards.