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Steep VIllage Hall

A NEW VISION FOR OUR VILLAGE HALL Trustee Consultation: 3rd and 6th September

This public consultation on the future of Steep Village Hall is run by the trustees of Steep War Memorial Village Club. The SWMVC was set up in the 1920s, when the site was purchased from Bedales School, in memory of those who fell in the First World War.

The charity’s aim is to provide …a place of physical and mental recreation and for educational purposes for the benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Steep, without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinion”.

The Parish Council has been the sole trustee of SWMVC since the 1930s.

Today’s Parish Councillors are:

  • Jim MacDonald – Chair
  • Terry Cook
  • Charlotte Duthie
  • Jeff Graham
  • Freddie Holmes
  • Nick Hurst
  • Andrew Martin
  • Jenny Martin
  • Jonathan Turk

NB This consultation is about the Village Hall and is independent of events run by Wilson Designer Homes about the Steep in Need site.

Why Now?


  • There is about to be significant development on the Steep in Need land next door. We need to ensure this does not harm the Hall or its surroundings.

  • But the question is bigger than this. Steep’s much loved Village Hall is under stress and needs to increase its revenue if it is to thrive.

  • The trustee of SWMVC has a duty to fulfill the aims of the trust, to provide a place of physical and mental recreation and education for all. At the moment, the Hall and its land do not fulfill these aims as well as they could.

  • The development next door offers both challenges and opportunities for the Hall. We need to meet the challenges head on and grasp this unique opportunity.

Why Now?


  • More flexible indoor spaces so that more hirers can use the Hall at the same time
  • Bigger and better outdoor spaces for recreation and relaxation, open and accessible to all
  • A more attractive appearance for the Hall
  • Improved parking and access, helping to slow traffic on Church Road and make better connections for walkers and cyclists.


We believe that we could transform our Village Hall and its site, both to meet the needs of the charity and to enhance the village.

We could help give Steep a centre we can all enjoy.


Possible Layouts Slides show possible layouts of the Hall and its land, and a vision for an extended Village Hall.

What Next

We want to hear your thoughts and suggestions on all these ideas for the future of your Village Hall. Please take the time to complete Feed Back Form Below.

Or you can write to us at

Jenny Martin
11, Church Road, Steep
GU32 2DW

 This stage of the consultation will close on:


Feedback Form

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